Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Christy S.

I remember I was 14 years old and had been taught in Sunday School how Joseph Smith was 14 years old when he searched the scriptures and prayed to know which church was true. I felt like I was quite 'mature' and would like to try the same thing Joseph Smith did: read and pray to know what was true. My dad had an old original publication of the Book of Mormon in his office in our house. It was light brown in color and thick. It had no chapter breaks or verse breaks. It was just titled by book name and was in paragraph form. I felt so inspired when I first picked it up that I was to read it, as much as I could, and pray about it. After an hour or so (which is a lot for a 14 year old), I put the book down, got on my knees and prayed very sincerely to Heavenly Father if the book was true. All I can say is that a very warm feeling came into my heart, tears came to my eyes while I was on my knees and I knew that the Book of Mormon was true. I felt love, happiness and the desire to read the rest of it along with all the books of scripture that I could get my hands on! My heart felt like a sponge that it wanted to soak up as much truth as I could read. I promised myself at that moment that I would always read and come to love more and more the Book of Mormon. I can tell you that 20 years have come and gone since that promise to myself and I feel stronger than ever that what I felt that day still applies today.